happy book

I found something that I somehow forgot about. Well, I guess I didn't totally forget about it, but it's been on a book shelf for at least 4 months. Untouched. It'd sound cooler if I said lost, but that's not necessarily the case. I knew it was there the whole time. Lost or forgotten, that's not the point. It's found and remembered, and it's being used daily.

this is my "Happy Book"

It was originally inspired by the book "14,000 things to be happy about." by Barbara Ann Kipfer. 

This book represents 20 years of recording all the little things that make her happy. She mentions in the beginning of her book that she often times will flip through her book on a gray day to cheer herself up. Or sometimes will use it to find something fun to do with her son on the weekend. 

Okay, I don't know who this Barbara is, but yes! She has got it, and I love it. Finding the joy in everything. Everyday. Everywhere. I made the decision to follow her steps after receiving this book a few years ago, and have been recording "happy things" in my happy book. I'm only at 590 as of today, but this book doesn't reach retirement. It's gonna be a life-long practice of documenting things I'm happy about. Not forgetting what I delight in. Reminding myself of the wonderful life I'm living. And in case you are wondering, doing this makes me happy. Might as well make that 591.

413. the point in friendship where silence isn't awkward

316. arriving on time


344. answered prayers 

284. wedding magazines

477. hearing someone else order a chai tea latte (it's like finding people after your own heart)

584. favorite shoes

2. elephants

236. inside jokes 

104. foreign places

... you get the point. 
Now you should try it out sometime. And by that I mean throughout your lifetime. It's truly a joy.

(side note: this is a really cool coat I got for $10 just the other day. The fact that the weather's been chilly the last 2 days hasn't brought tears to my eyes. It's just an excuse to wear my killer deal, which I probably would have worn either way)

592. shopping a really good sale


  1. Yes! "the point in friendship where silence isn't awkward" = the best!!!


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