giving love

The second greatest commandment is to love others as you love yourself. What a courageous commandment. A vulnerable one. One that seems so easy when read on a page, yet is so hard to live out on the pages of our lives. Love is something to be walked out daily. I don't think it is something that can ever be fully reached if speaking in terms of goals. Rather, it's a life-long lesson. One that can be improved, and is worth improving. In the book of Corinthians it says to follow the ways of love, and also to do everything in love. It also says that Christ's love compels us. Compels. So this must mean that His love for us compels us to love others. In the book of 1 Peter it says to love each other as if your life depended on it (msg). It also says to be generous with the things God gave you. Read this: 

God so loved me, that He gave His only begotten son.

Well if His love for mankind was so great that He gave His son, this means that I was given love and now in return have love to give. Generously. You see, this is where love becomes so costly. It's costly when it actually costs us. God gave. In the same way, we are called to give. Not just in love, but in every aspect of our lives. Giving is costly, and more then sometimes it's not convenient and is easiest if not given. However, I just read a few mornings ago that it's better to give then it is to receive. Giving is on of the most satisfying things in life. It takes my eyes off of me, and suddenly my problems don't seem so big. Today, I'm giving love. It's costing me, but it's worth it.

I went through my pictures... I have a slight addiction to taking them. But I can't help it. Being around people I love and doing things I love calls for pictures. So here are just a few with some of the amazing people I know.

I am rich with love


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