
I used to be addicted to popcorn. No joke. A few years back it was my nightly snack, along with a delicious home-made smoothie. I'm sure it wasn't the best for me to have it every night, so I'm kind of glad those popcorn-eating days are over. Well, to some degree they're over. I still have popcorn thoughts on a regular basis. Today would be proof of my popcorn thoughts. My mind is thinking a little bit about everything it seems, and to gather my thoughts and write something beautiful seems impossible. So I'm just going to write, in hopes that my thoughts make sense in the end. And if not, well... it's popcorn, so I guess it doesn't have to.

Today I sit here and I'm smiling. There's nothing in particular that has taken place today that is worthy of being happy about. I didn't become a millionaire. I haven't accomplish any goals. My bucket list still has the same number of things to check off as it did yesterday. My school grade isn't perfect. I haven't worked out today. There are 4 books that I started over the past 6 months, which now have quite the layer of dust on them- I have never been a good, faithful reader. I'm homework-heavy. Regardless, I'm smiling. Because, although I lack in many things, Jesus is constant. He's teaching me to be content. In today's happenings and not-happenings, content just the same.

contentment- a state of happiness and satisfaction

There's a new state of happiness and satisfaction that I didn't know yesterday that I'm grabbing hold of today. A new revelation of Jesus that wasn't known yesterday that I'm grabbing hold of today.

I'm smiling at the now things. I'm wearing a cardigan that I got for free a few days ago, and the by looks of the clouds it's gonna rain. I have always loved a good rainy day. Spokane has had some good ones this past week, and I've fully embraced them with photo-shoots, country drives, wonderful people, and book reading. Plus, days are always happier when family is together. Therefore, today is gonna be thee happiest. My sister Bep arrives today with two of my nephews, Leon and Sol. My heart is in a happy state. I can't wait to squeeze them with my love. Oh man!

I have been blown away by the generosity of MANY. Holy cow. I am so for reals. I couldn't be going to Germany without the support that I've been given. So blessed. So, so blessed.

My graduation invitations have been made, printed, and handed out. Phew! I cannot wait for the party to happen, and be over. Parties for myself have never been my favorite thing. But hey, I'm graduating, so a party is kind of necessary.

Last night I finally sewed the 5 items of clothing that have been needing to be fixed for ages. It feels wonderful to have that done. I wouldn't be sad if I never had to sew again, while at the same time I am thankful that I do know how, thanks to my mom for having me take a few sewing classes.

I've never painted more in my life than I have the last months. Although I prefer to paint out of inspiration in the moment, doing painting projects for people has been a joy. And they've taken me far in my attempts to raise money for Germany.

If you're not sick of popcorn yet, these thoughts will top it off:

I'm sitting here, drinking a Chai tea latte from my favorite Molls. She brought it to me. Oh, sisters. They're glorious! I'm gonna miss them all dearly.

I bought an awesome watch at a yard sale. It was my first treasure of the yard sale season, and I'm delighted to have found it. Now all I have to do is buy a battery for it.

Country drives have been a regular thing as of late. And for some reason pictures turn out really cool when they are taken in the country. Or maybe it's because I was with really cool people both times. Regardless, pictures happened, and here they are:

country adventures #1:

this was in a really awesome old barn
(right before the down pour)

the sky was PERFECT in every direction

they're a party

country adventure #2:

jump fails

she's so fun!

I was waiting for a friend at a coffee shop, and a little friend joined me for some good conversation. She was absolutely adorable. I laughed the whole time she sat and talked with me. I couldn't help but take a picture of her.

Remember me saying I'm not a good, faithful reader? Well get a load of this! I started this book last Tuesday and finished it on Wednesday. I'm kind of proud about it. But most of all, I felt so inspired and stirred after reading it.

I'm sure there are 100's of other things I could write about, but I think I'm popcorned out. And more than that, I've got some mega homework to do. There's 3 weeks of school left, and I'm gonna celebrate with something big when they are over. Maybe ride an elephant?! We'll see...

Happy content, overcast day!


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. haha? ^
    YEAH, CELEBRATE BIG IS RIGHT!!! I loveee your blog and this post.
    and YOU.


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