finish well

I find myself commenting on how weird life is quite often. I have no reasons for this, other than the plain old fact that life really is weird. Life equals change. Today that may mean the changing of too many diapers, but tomorrows change could look much different. Change has never been my favorite thing. I don't even like thinking about it most of the time, because change usually equals the unfamiliar and the uncomfortable. I have never liked growing pains.

It's like the remodeling of a house. In the process of the house being remodeled (changed), the walls are being stripped of old wall paper, light fixtures a being replaced, new cabinets are being put up in the kitchen, and saw dust is everywhere. Everything seems to be out of order and messy. Absolutely filthy dirty. But that's allowed when houses are being remodeled, right? From time to time, there's a glimpse of what the house will look like in the end, but that quickly changes now that old carpet is being ripped. It's easily forgotten when fingers have been crushed by the hammer while fixing the loose boards. At times the wrong tools may be used. A room painted with the wrong paint because of quick decision with not much thought. Why? Because of being worn out. Wanting to be done. The work  is exhausting. Stressful. Confusing at times. Above and beyond personal abilities.The best option looks like giving up. Hiring someone else to do it. Not finishing well.

Uuuh, yeah. This fits really well into life. Change. Everything is out of order and messy. Time to time I see a little picture of where I'm heading, but I forget when my fingers get hammer. When I experience the growing pains. In the process of change-the absolutely filthy dirty kind- I often want to stop. I want to give up and let someone else have a go at it. I would rather return to life before the remodeling thing began. Live in the old. Live in the comfortable and the easy. I don't want to learn how. I don't really want to know what to do. I just want to rewind, and re-live. I forget about the fresh and the new that comes AFTER the remodeling. I think at times I forget that filthy dirty is allowed, and that it's common to become exhausted and confused and be stretched beyond my abilities. Change is like a bridge linking me from one place to the next. I must live here to get there. Must live the change to get to the new. And, I must finish well.

You may think change is always big. I would disagree. I think change can happen on a small scale too. In fact, it happens daily. Ant sized some days. Elephant sized others. Through all seasons of life it happens, and it must be walked out. Some walks are more challenging then others, but no matter the size, it's change just the same.You don't retire from it. It's part of life. We must learn to walk it with grace.

It's definitely more easily said then done. I'm working on the "done" part. I want to finish well.
You should join me, for two is better than one. ;)

ps... I leave in 50 days!

pss... don't forget to enJOY life while working on the "done" part


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