God's The Best At Throwing Surprise Parties!

Happy Fall! 

Everyone seems to be blogging lately, and it made me realize how long it has been since I last wrote. I've missed it just like I miss old seasons of life when I look through the hundreds of pictures posted on social media of days gone by, friends that have moved on, and seasons that have come and gone. Simply put, I've been busy. I know dozens of moms who would say, "Just wait until you're a mom," when I say that, but for me right here and now in my 20th year of life, I am busy for me. No comparison or competition needed here. I'm doing more now than ever before, learning in many different capacities, responsible for more than I thought was possible, and feeling overwhelmed almost all the time (in the best way).

Good news: the weather forecast says rain for the next three days and a dear friend of mine just gave me a rain coat. I love friends. I love gifts. And I love rain. I can already tell that it's going to be a good weekend!

GROWTH. That's the word God gave me in January when I asked Him what this next season of life would look like. Awesome! I thought, not quite sure what it fully meant. Let's be real, I rarely know what God's talking about when He says something the first time around. Regardless, I took that word and ran with it. Now, nearly eleven months into the year, I see very clearly what God meant when He said growth—spiritually, physically, mentally, practically, emotionally, and relationally. There have been some terrible weeks in this season where I wanted to stop life from happening. Of course, on the other side of it now, I'm much stronger and much closer to God (and much more thankful, I might add.)

Other weeks have been ones of God-encounters. Night after night dozens of friends gathered to seek God in various homes and living rooms, and we seriously encountered God. Not the typical kind of gathering that lasts two hours, but the kinds that last 5-6 hours and go until 2am. The stories I have from some of those weeks are for another blog post.

Currently, God is doing more in my heart than ever before, but that's also for another blog post. Through it all, the only word I can find fitting is growth—the good, the bad, and the ugly. The beautiful, the painful, and the deep. The kind of growth that doesn't come overnight. After all these months of growing, last night I actually looked up the definition of the word. The common denominator in all the definitions was the word increase. Boom. I will take that increase. Thanks, God.

The latest (and possibly greatest) news of my life right now is my new part time job. It would be safe to say that it is basically my dream job. I took one step out to pursue it, and before I knew it God dropped it into my lap. I work for an event planner! To be honest, I didn't even know that real people in real life did such a thing. I thought it was just something from the movies. But no, it's real life and it is my life. I help make people's party dreams become a reality for work! Ahhh, God is so good at what He does. He has a way of surprising us with the greatest blessings. I’ve decided He's the best at throwing surprise parties!

I feel a million other words could be written, but I think I’ll stop here.

Let's continue on this journey of growth together!

Until next time.

Thankful, thankful, thankful for her!

Painted a photo booth backdrop for the first time

Evangelizing in the streets of our city

Sometimes my job gives me excuses to dress up. 
I don't mind a bit!


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