because people matter


It's the time of the year when the world falls in love.
At least that's what the song says.

But for reals, it's freezing cold here, and Christmas is right around the corner. I'm still waiting for the snow, but I know it isn't far from here.

You've caught me in my wool socks and slippers, sipping on my favorite Trader Joe's holiday tea, and listening to Christmas music for the first time. My heart is feeling pretty happy.

It's been a while since I've written, as it usually is. Sometimes life feels too complicated all up in my head to try and write something. Not even something pretty and that sounds good, but just anything. So, I can't promise this will be pretty, but here's something.

This week I was being reminded of the thing that matters the most in life (obviously aside from Jesus). PEOPLE. What's the point of everything I do? People. That answers my "why's?" and begins to inspire the areas of life that have lacked. That's pretty much it. They're the reason I wake up in the morning. They're why I spend time planning events. They're who I invite to come over. They're why I take pictures. They're why I have parties. They're what brings me joy. They're why I save my money. They're why I spend time dreaming. They're why I go to church. They're why I go to sports games. They're why I make food. They're why I stay up late and get up early. They matter. She matters. You matter. He matters. People matter. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. That's it. You're it.

Isn't that the best news you've heard all day? 

Told you it wasn't going to be pretty, but there you have it.

It's the reason for the season. That's the cheesiest thing I've heard all day. But it's true.
Your'e the reason for my season.


this is how I feel about friday nights

fireplaces are heaven

National Chocolate Day party

we still play dress-ups

still practicing my watercolors

late night snack runs

sometimes I "screenshot" things I like

Seattle hangin'

parties for no reason at all 

lazy days

I finally bought a case for me iPhone.

That's all for now.
Let's celebrate people together!


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