destination unknown


It's been a good five months since I've last written. I haven't gone far in distance, but life has gone on. I find myself commenting quite often on the fact that life is just plain ol' weird. Especially now that summer has arrived and humanity has decided that wearing little-to-no clothes is a trend. Weird as all get out [whatever that means]. Aside from that, summer life is my favorite life. You know- beaches for days on end, playing "bump" until people can't handle me beating them anymore, pretending to be good a volleyball, trying new art ideas, never ending iced drinks, family times, friend parties, late nights, hours of ultimate frisbee, ICE CREAM [probably too much], and gettin' tan. 

In the midst of Summer bliss, I've been finding myself restless. The need to pick up and go. I'm having to learning that this season is one to be enjoyed, as much as I'd like to just run away. There's something good here. I'm craving a new adventure, but adventure can't just be an escape route, it's gotta be part of the plan. Some days I feel anxious, and some days I try to make things happen. It's almost like I'm looking for an answer. Then I read stuff like this:

"I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?" // CS Lewis

I then remember that He is the answer. He knows/sees. To me, the destination is unknown. I have no idea where I'm going even though sometimes I pretend like I do. No clue what's next, but here I am. My favorite part is that He's not late. Def not. And my other fave part is that He never will be late. In this I can rejoice. 

 Most free days are spent in Coeur d'Alene at the beach. It's my fave! 

These two babes have been living with us for 3 months. It's the best thing ever! 
Plus, they love going on dates with me.

I'm finally getting inspired about art again. 
Fabric on paint and watercolor is my newest inspiration.

Sometimes I model for James.

Yesterday we had a cute sibling breakfast outside on our new porch.

Destination unknown.

But I'm rejoicing.
Let's rejoice together. 
Happy Summer! 


  1. Love this! Keep blogging! (It sure is hard to stir up some seasons, isn't it?)


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